
Established November,4,1996
Revised Novemder,1,1997
Revised November,24,2008

Article 1 General Rule

sec1 The name of this society shall be the Society for Studies of Physical Arts.
Sec2 The Executive Board decides head office of this society.

Article 2 Objective and Functions

sec1 This society takes various physical activities as culture and aims to make a contribution to society by gathering researchers from various fields and letting them implement integrated academic research.
sec2 In order to achieve its objective, the functions of the Society shall be
1)to hold conference
2)to hold research meetings and lectures
3)to publish and edit bulletin, list of members, and other publications.
4) To gather and provide information that serves members for their study.
5) To have our research interact internationally.
6) To take such action as may be necessary for the attainment of the objectives of the Organization.

Article 3 Membership

Sec1 Members consist of individuals, corporations and organizations that approve the purpose and the objective of this society. Members are classified as following.
1) Regular Members: individuals who approve the purpose of this society, and were recommended by other regular members.
2) Student Members: individuals who approve the purpose of this society, and were recommended by other regular members.
3) Support Members: individuals, corporations and organizations that approve the purpose of this society.
Sec2 members should pay membership fees as following
1) Regular Members: 5,000 yen per year (in case of members who live in other countries, the commodity prices may be taken into consideration)
2) Student Members : 2,000 yen per year
3) Support Members: individuals and organizations
30,000 yen per share (within 10 shares)
50,000 yen per share (within 10 shares)
Sec3 members are entitled to receive the published bulletins such as academic journals. Members are also entitled to participate in any project if they go through the prescribed procedures.
Sec4 Members who fall behind in their payments and don’t respond to our demands are considered to have withdrawn from the society.

Article 4 Directors

Sec1 This society shall be managed by the following directors
1) a President
2) a few Vice presidents
3) a Chairperson of the board
4) a few Vice-chairpersons of the board
5) 25 Members of the board
6) a few Permanent members of the board
7) a few Committee members
8) 2 Inspectors
9) a few Secretaries
1) The president represents this society and controls the operation of the society.
2) The vice presidents support the president and shall be an acting president if the president should be in an accident or the position should be in vacancy.
3) The chairperson represents the board and controls the business of this society.
4) The vice chairpersons support the chairperson and shall take over the businesses if the chairperson should be in an accident or the position should be in vacancy.
5) The Members of the board hold meetings discuss important matters of this society.
6) The permanent members of the board carry out the operation.
7) The committee members of each committee do their business.
8) The inspectors audit accounts.
9) The secretaries do general affairs.

Sec3 Directors term of office shall be 3 years. They can be re-appointed.
1) The president and the vice-presidents are elected by the board of directors.
2) The chairperson, the vice-chairpersons and permanent members of the board are elected by means of mutual vote of members of the board.
3) Members of the board are elected out of the members of the society.
4) The procedure of electing members of the board shall be specified separately.
5) The president is able to recommend regular members for members of the board.
6) The president commission committee members out of regular members through the discussion of the board.
1) Posts of an adviser and an honorary adviser can be offered
2) The board shall recommend a person for an adviser or an honorary adviser through the discussion.

Article 5 Council

Sec1 The council of this society shall be the general meeting, the board meeting and the permanent board meeting.
1) The general meeting is held once a year by a call of the president. It consists of participants on the spot on the day. The items are resolved when agreed by a majority of participants. When it ties in vote, it is left up to the chairperson. An extraordinary session can be held on need basis.
2) The general meeting is the supreme decision-making body and what is discussed are,
a) Activity report and settlement of balance
b) Activity schedule and budget plan
c) Revision of the bylaws
d) Other important items
1) The board meeting is held by a call of the chairperson of the board. The items are resolved by a majority of participants. Those who submit a letter of attorney in advance shall be considered to be attendant.
2) In the board meeting, what is discussed are,
a) election of the president and the vice-president,
b) the items that are related to balance and budget,
c) the items that are related to the activities of this society, and
d) other necessary items

1) The permanent board meeting is held in the same procedure of the board meeting.
2) In the permanent board meeting, what is discussed are,
a) implementation of the items which are resolved in the board meeting,
b) forming the budget plan and the settlement of balance, and
c) other necessary items

Article 6 Committee

Sec1 For the smooth accomplishment of the activity of this society, the following committee shall be set up.
1) The committee of editing academic publication
2) The committee of bulletin
3) The committee of publication
Sec2 Each committee carries out the following.
1) The committee of editing academic publication
Affairs that are related to the publication of members list and official organ
2) The committee of bulletin
Affairs that are related to the issue of bulletins
3) The committee of publication
Affairs that are related to the plan, the edition and the issue along with publication

Article 7 Branches

1) A branch can be founded to promote the activity of the society. The members of the branch must be the regular members.
2) When the branch is founded, the prescribed form should be submitted to the board and gain approval.
3) The head of the branch has to become a member of the board.
4) The details of the branch foundation are specified separately.

Article 8 the Secretariat

Sec1 The secretariat of this society shall assign a head officer.
Sec2 The secretariat of this society can have temporary officers.

Article 9 Account

Sec1 The funds of this society shall be generated from the following incomes
1) Membership fee
2) Profit from the activities
3) Subsidies and donations from supporters
Sec2 The fiscal year of this society shall be from April 1 to March 31 of the following year.

Additional rules

When these bylaws are revised, approval of a majority of participants is needed in the general meeting.

Additional rules
The procedure of the Member of the Board in the bylaws, Article4, Section 4, Entry 4 is as follows.
1) The members of the board are elected under the control of the Election Administration Committee.
2) The members of the Committee (two people) are assigned by the permanent board meeting.
3) Stated number of the board members is elected out of the regular members.
4) The election shall be held via mail with the ballots that are previously distributed to the regular members by the Election Administration Committee.
5) The election adopts a secret vote with twelve-candidate joint ballots, and only ballots which have arrived to the Election Administration Committee by the deadline are valid.
6) Stated numbers of candidates are elected in order of the number of votes obtained.
7) When two or more candidates obtain the same number of votes, and, as a result, the number of these candidates is greater than the remaining number of seats to be filled, the Election Administration Committee determines the winner by lot.
8) If there are refusers in successful candidates, next person in order of the number of votes shall be elected.
9) The Election Administration Committee should inform promptly the result of election to the permanent board meeting.



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